ImportImap 日本語
Import Barcode Scan data From Email
For QR Send, Easy Inventory
Environment(Windows / Linux)
Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or Later JRE Download
■Program File
Download Program:ImportImap.jar
・At the first time to launch program ,'setting.ini' will be created in the same folder.
Environment(Windows Only)
.Net Framework 4.5.2 Or Later Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2
■Program File
・At the first time to launch program ,'setting.ini' will be created in the same folder.
ImportImap.exe 1 With Command Line "1" , Automatically Receive and Output CSV file.
■Setting File
・Set the IMAP setting to receive mail.
・IMPORT_DAYS=Set the Serach days in INBOX.
Top of the Form [Receive] button is to import mails from INBOX.
 Bottom of the Form [Output] button is to output to 'scan_data.csv'.
scan_data.csv : Output to 1Scan = 1Row.
Updated History:
2017/05/16 Added .Net Program For Windows PC.
2017/02/01 Bug Fix of carriage return(\r\n)
2017/01/11 From Adrdess: Changed to Sender Name(Email Address)